Seven Strategies for Easing the DevOps Transition

As agile software development becomes mainstream,
many companies are taking the next step by adopting
DevOps practices to optimize their delivery processes. In
fact, according to one survey, 71 percent of companies
reported having current or planned DevOps projects. The
practice, which combines software development and IT
operations, can be considered “the missing piece” of agile
software development.

While agile processes allow companies to plan, code, and
even test software quickly, DevOps focuses on maintaining
the momentum by ensuring that software gets out the
door—and into the hands of customers—just as quickly.
At face value, making the decision to implement DevOps
appears easy. The benefits are numerous—continuous
software development, faster delivery of features, more
stable operating environments, and reduced recovery time,
to name a few.

One report revealed that high performers that use practices
like DevOps deploy 200 times more frequently, recover 24
times faster, and have three times lower change failure
rates compared to their lower-performing peers. DevOps
can also enhance employee engagement, build trust,and
make for happier, more productive teams.

However, making the transition to DevOps can be
challenging for many organizations. Breaking down cultural
silos, testing across multiple platforms, and maintaining
functionality while migrating back-end systems are just
some of the obstacles companies face.

 Software Development

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